Sunday, March 14, 2010

food =)

Food to us is like gasoline for cars. The minute we start to lose out on it, our bodies will not function the same. We lose energy, weight, some can’t think straight anymore, until eventually we stop running; but besides the fact of food being essential in our lives, it eventually has an effect on our persona, and or the way we think.
Personally I love food, I mean who doesn’t? Not only does it let me survive, it tastes awesome. Of course not everything does, but for the most part yes. Like many things in life, food can have different affects on people. It can bring happiness, sadness, shame; some even see certain dishes as aphrodisiacs. The way I see it food does have an affect on how I think sometimes. Also, my mood varies among the different things I eat, or when I eat. Most of the time I am satisfied when I eat, I enjoy it and love trying new foods. But there are times in which I do feel nostalgic after I eat a certain dish. This happens to me when I eat something that reminds me of Puerto Rico, or plain and simple a plate of rice, beans, pernil and or berduras. Being that we are in NY we have all the necessary products to make the same food as over there, but nothing like eating it while you’re actually in P.R. The smell is different, the joy of seeing them cook it outside in open air sometimes. I may be eating the same thing here, but it just doesn’t feel the same. There are times where I can even get flashbacks, when I smell certain foods. For example, if I pass by Central American restaurants and smell their cooking, it reminds me of the first time I tried food from Honduras, and when I actually lived with people who were from Honduras. Without even trying to think about it, it just comes naturally.
In conclusion, yes food does make me feel nostalgic sometimes, and may cause unwanted flashbacks to occur, but it does not mean I hate it. It is impossible to do so. over all i still believe theres much more to say about food. about the different emotions it may cause. but these are two of the things that come to mind when I think of it.


  1. mmmm rice, beans, and pernil in puerto rico sounds dreamy... I bet I'd miss it too if i was you....but luckly we survive :]

  2. Wow - This made me hungry! You really did a great job of expressing the way culture, food and emotions go together for you. Can you share some PR recipes for the class blog.....
